Announcement! In 2024, I'm thrilled to announce my residency as a composer with Sinfonietta Riga in Latvia. The opportunity is truly an honor, one that I've eagerly anticipated. Interestingly, my…
Professional recording!
Recording for the first time! This past Wednesday 01.05.23 we had a great time recording some of my piano music. Interesting experience to record in a professional way for the…
Kyrie for mixed choir – a look back to 2003. This is a recording originally captured on cassette tape (!) that I’ve now polished up as best I could. The music means a lot to me, and I hope it resonates with you too.
Premiered on All Saints` Day at Equmeniakyrkan in Södertälje, Sweden. Click the link to hear the full piece on YouTube.
#kyrie #allsaintsday #choir
Nov 2

Kyrie for mixed choir – a look back to 2003. This is a recording originally captured on cassette tape (!) that I’ve now polished up as best I could. The music means a lot to me, and I hope it resonates with you too.
Premiered on All Saints` Day at Equmeniakyrkan in Södertälje, Sweden. Click the link to hear the full piece on YouTube.
#kyrie #allsaintsday #choir
Intermezzo was released 18 months ago today😊. Image from the recording in Equmeniakyrkan Linköping, Sweden. Listen here:
Oct 27

Intermezzo was released 18 months ago today😊. Image from the recording in Equmeniakyrkan Linköping, Sweden. Listen here:
Look what came in the mail this week! Daydreams & Rhythms is officially in print, and I couldn’t be happier with how it’s turned out. Today also happens to be the one-year anniversary of its premiere by @kai.taal & Ralf Taal (duo: @taalide_salongikontserdid) in Tallinn, Estonia. A lot of work went into getting this right, and it`s great to finally hold it in my hands. Next step: planning the recording—exciting times ahead!
#pianoduo #score
Oct 13

Look what came in the mail this week! Daydreams & Rhythms is officially in print, and I couldn’t be happier with how it’s turned out. Today also happens to be the one-year anniversary of its premiere by @kai.taal & Ralf Taal (duo: @taalide_salongikontserdid) in Tallinn, Estonia. A lot of work went into getting this right, and it`s great to finally hold it in my hands. Next step: planning the recording—exciting times ahead!
#pianoduo #score
Today is World Mental Health Day, a day that reminds us of the importance of reflection and care.
In light of this, I’m sharing my piano piece Darkness & Light, beautifully performed by Jacob Wessbo in Linköping last year. Why not take a moment to listen and reflect?
Listen on Youtube: 🙏
#worldmentalhealthday #pianomusic
Oct 10

Today is World Mental Health Day, a day that reminds us of the importance of reflection and care.
In light of this, I’m sharing my piano piece Darkness & Light, beautifully performed by Jacob Wessbo in Linköping last year. Why not take a moment to listen and reflect?
Listen on Youtube: 🙏
#worldmentalhealthday #pianomusic
🍂🎶 Autumn is finally here again! 🍁
I want to share a piece that holds a special place in my heart – "Hösten Fred" (The Serenity/Peace of Autumn) for choir and piano. This was actually the very first choral piece I ever wrote!
Autumn has always been special to me, with its beautiful colors and the peaceful atmosphere. It’s without a doubt my favorite season. 😌🍁 What’s your favorite season?
Feel free to listen to a 30-second clip from the piece’s highlight below and share your thoughts with me in the comments! 👇
Oct 7

🍂🎶 Autumn is finally here again! 🍁
I want to share a piece that holds a special place in my heart – "Hösten Fred" (The Serenity/Peace of Autumn) for choir and piano. This was actually the very first choral piece I ever wrote!
Autumn has always been special to me, with its beautiful colors and the peaceful atmosphere. It’s without a doubt my favorite season. 😌🍁 What’s your favorite season?
Feel free to listen to a 30-second clip from the piece’s highlight below and share your thoughts with me in the comments! 👇
🇬🇧 One year ago today! 🎶 @hannahtornellwettermark and @brolin_anna premiered Intermezzo (maj, fl, pno) for flute and piano in the beautiful Gothenburg Cathedral, Sweden. Not only was it an incredible musical experience, but I also had the joy of reconnecting with several friends, some of whom I hadn’t seen in over ten years! It was such a special trip filled with music, friendship, and unforgettable moments in the city I called home for 10 years. Thank you to everyone who made it so memorable!
🇸🇪 Ett år sedan idag! 🎶 Hannah Törnell Wettermark och Anna Brolin uruppförde Intermezzo (maj, fl, pno) för flöjt och piano i vackra Göteborgs domkyrka. Det var inte bara en fantastisk musikalisk upplevelse, utan jag fick också glädjen att återse flera vänner, några hade jag inte träffat på över tio år! Det var en speciell resa fylld med musik, vänskap och oförglömliga stunder i staden jag kallade hem i 10 år. Tack till alla som gjorde den så minnesvärd! 😊
#gothenburgcathedral #fluteandpiano
Aug 19

🇬🇧 One year ago today! 🎶 @hannahtornellwettermark and @brolin_anna premiered Intermezzo (maj, fl, pno) for flute and piano in the beautiful Gothenburg Cathedral, Sweden. Not only was it an incredible musical experience, but I also had the joy of reconnecting with several friends, some of whom I hadn’t seen in over ten years! It was such a special trip filled with music, friendship, and unforgettable moments in the city I called home for 10 years. Thank you to everyone who made it so memorable!
🇸🇪 Ett år sedan idag! 🎶 Hannah Törnell Wettermark och Anna Brolin uruppförde Intermezzo (maj, fl, pno) för flöjt och piano i vackra Göteborgs domkyrka. Det var inte bara en fantastisk musikalisk upplevelse, utan jag fick också glädjen att återse flera vänner, några hade jag inte träffat på över tio år! Det var en speciell resa fylld med musik, vänskap och oförglömliga stunder i staden jag kallade hem i 10 år. Tack till alla som gjorde den så minnesvärd! 😊
#gothenburgcathedral #fluteandpiano
Recently returned from Finland, where my piano trio "Reflections & Rhythms" was premiered by the Palm family: Johannes on violin, Heiki on cello, and Anne-Mai on piano. The premiere took place in the unique, triangle-shaped Paateri Church, just outside Lieksa, as part of the music festival Pielinen Soi, which means something like "The Sound of Pielinen" or "Sounds at Pielinen," referring to the nearby lake that produces a characteristic sound during winter when it`s iced. Did you know that Jean Sibelius spent his honeymoon here? I also learned that his first language was Swedish, but he later learned Finnish by attending a Finnish school.
The second performance took place in the Orthodox Little Church in Savonlinna, known for its incredible acoustics thanks to the special vaulted ceiling that acts as a natural microphone. It was the first time I heard my music performed in an Orthodox church.
Savonlinna is world-famous for its opera festival and music academy for string musicians, held annually. We participated in one of the concert series called "Evening Concerts in the Little Church, Edition XVII."
An incredible experience that I am so grateful for! 🎶🙏
#pianotrio #lieksa #savonlinna #premiere
Jul 30

Recently returned from Finland, where my piano trio "Reflections & Rhythms" was premiered by the Palm family: Johannes on violin, Heiki on cello, and Anne-Mai on piano. The premiere took place in the unique, triangle-shaped Paateri Church, just outside Lieksa, as part of the music festival Pielinen Soi, which means something like "The Sound of Pielinen" or "Sounds at Pielinen," referring to the nearby lake that produces a characteristic sound during winter when it`s iced. Did you know that Jean Sibelius spent his honeymoon here? I also learned that his first language was Swedish, but he later learned Finnish by attending a Finnish school.
The second performance took place in the Orthodox Little Church in Savonlinna, known for its incredible acoustics thanks to the special vaulted ceiling that acts as a natural microphone. It was the first time I heard my music performed in an Orthodox church.
Savonlinna is world-famous for its opera festival and music academy for string musicians, held annually. We participated in one of the concert series called "Evening Concerts in the Little Church, Edition XVII."
An incredible experience that I am so grateful for! 🎶🙏
#pianotrio #lieksa #savonlinna #premiere
🇬🇧 Thank you, Sofia Wik, for an amazing concert this past Sunday, July 21st, at Askeby Church in Linköping, Sweden. It was the second time you played my new marimba piece, titled "Summer," and the first time I got to hear it live. It was incredible to experience a whole concert dedicated to marimba music! As you can see in one of the photos, the audience was really curious about the instrument afterwards.
If you want another chance to hear this concert, including my new piece "Summer," Sofia will play it three more times as follows:
JUL 28, 6 pm, Landeryd Church
AUG 03, 6 pm, Björketorp Church
AUG 04, 6 pm, Vänga Church
Hope to see you there! 😊
🇸🇪 Tack, Sofia Wik, för en fantastisk konsert i söndags den 21 juli i Askeby kyrka, Linköping. Det var andra gången du spelade mitt nya marimbastycke, som heter "Summer", och första gången jag fick höra det live. Det var otroligt kul att uppleva en hel konsert dedikerad till marimbamusik! Som man kan se på en av bilderna var publiken verkligen nyfiken på instrumentet efteråt.
Om man vill ha en ny chans att höra denna konsert, inklusive mitt nya stycke "Summer", kommer Sofia att spela det tre gånger till enligt följande:
28 JUL, kl 18.00, Landeryds kyrka
3 AUG, kl 18.00, Björketorps kyrka
4 AUG, kl 18.00, Vänga
Väl mött! 😊
#marimba #marimbaone #summer #summerconcert2024 #premiere
Jul 23

🇬🇧 Thank you, Sofia Wik, for an amazing concert this past Sunday, July 21st, at Askeby Church in Linköping, Sweden. It was the second time you played my new marimba piece, titled "Summer," and the first time I got to hear it live. It was incredible to experience a whole concert dedicated to marimba music! As you can see in one of the photos, the audience was really curious about the instrument afterwards.
If you want another chance to hear this concert, including my new piece "Summer," Sofia will play it three more times as follows:
JUL 28, 6 pm, Landeryd Church
AUG 03, 6 pm, Björketorp Church
AUG 04, 6 pm, Vänga Church
Hope to see you there! 😊
🇸🇪 Tack, Sofia Wik, för en fantastisk konsert i söndags den 21 juli i Askeby kyrka, Linköping. Det var andra gången du spelade mitt nya marimbastycke, som heter "Summer", och första gången jag fick höra det live. Det var otroligt kul att uppleva en hel konsert dedikerad till marimbamusik! Som man kan se på en av bilderna var publiken verkligen nyfiken på instrumentet efteråt.
Om man vill ha en ny chans att höra denna konsert, inklusive mitt nya stycke "Summer", kommer Sofia att spela det tre gånger till enligt följande:
28 JUL, kl 18.00, Landeryds kyrka
3 AUG, kl 18.00, Björketorps kyrka
4 AUG, kl 18.00, Vänga
Väl mött! 😊
#marimba #marimbaone #summer #summerconcert2024 #premiere
Dec 24 5 pm |
New Christmas carol arrangement (premiere) Tallinn Methodist Church |
Aug 04 6 pm |
Summer Vänga Church |
Aug 03 6 pm |
Summer Björketorp church |
Jul 28 6 pm |
Summer Landeryd church |
Jul 27 9 pm |
Reflections & Rhythms Savonlinna Music Festival |
Jul 25 6 pm |
Reflections & Rhythms (premiere) Savonlinna Music Festival |
Jul 21 6 pm |
Summer Askeby church |
Jul 14 6 pm |
Summer (premiere) Kaga church |
Mar 31 10 am |
Halleluja! Tallinn Methodist Church |
Feb 02 5 pm |
Daydreams & Rhythms - V: Going to Sleep MuBa |